Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
Lynis is an open-source safety auditing tool. Its principal goal is to audit and develop Unix and Linux-based policies. It examines the method by offering many safety control lines. Samples include searching for established software and prepare possible form flaws.
Several tests are part of general security guidelines and rules, with on top further security tests. After the scan, a report will be displayed including all classified decisions.
Security auditing
Vulnerability scanning
Policy hardening
Available authentication systems
Expired SSL certifications
Outdated or vulnerable software bundles
Time form and proper functioning of NTP daemon
User records without a password
Incorrect file permits
Configuration errors
Firewall rules.
As the complexity of auditing various systems and stages, Lynis is developed on BSD and Linux.
This device is tested or verified to work with at least:
AIX, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris. See the website for the full list of examined working methods.
SSH to your server as root user.
#cd /usr/local/src
#tar -zxvf lynis-1.5.9.tar.gz
#cd lynis-1.5.9/
# ./lynis
Audit/Scan your server now
# ./lynis -c
For more help
#./lynis -h
[+] Initializing program
Scan options:
–auditor “” : Auditor name
–check-all (-c) : Check system
–no-log : Don’t create a log file
–profile : Scan the system with the given profile file
–quick (-Q) : Quick mode, don’t wait for user input
–tests “” : Run only tests defined by
–tests-category “” : Run only tests defined by
Layout options:
–no-colors : Don’t use colors in output
–quiet (-q) : No output, except warnings
–reverse-colors : Optimize color display for light backgrounds
Misc options:
–check-update : Check for updates
–debug : Debug logging to screen
–view-manpage (–man) : View man page
–version (-V) : Display version number and quit
Enterprise options:
–plugin-dir “<path”> : Define path of available plugins
–upload : Upload data to central node
See man page and documentation for all available options.
Thats All..
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