Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
This tool enables you to use the cPanel interface to choose a locale’s selection of translated phrases. Modifications made to the different language details using this tool are dynamically refreshed on the server. This point requires a reseller account with all points enabled to function correctly; unless you are helpless to edit all language tags.
How to use region on Cpanel?
(WHM >> Locales >> Edit a Locale)
This feature provides three tools to help you edit locales.
Locale Editor – Live Mode
Locale Editor – Bulk Mode
Non Standard Locale Configuration
To edit a locale’s collection of translated phrases:
Select a locale from the Locale pull-down menu.Select a theme from the Theme pull-down menu.Select a reseller account name from the Reseller pull-down menu.Click Go. You will be directed to the cPanel interface.Click on the phrase you wish to edit (in green font). An editor window will pop up.Edit the phrase in the Value box.Click Evaluate Expression to check whether the edited phrase can be successfully parsed.Click Save Changes to confirm changes or cancel to cancel changes.
If you wish to make these modifications offline, simply download the locale file using the Locale XML Download screen. Then, after you make the desired changes, upload the file using the Locale XML Upload screen.
To edit a locale’s phrases:
Select a locale from the Locale pull-down menu.Select a theme from the Theme pull-down menu.Click Go. You will be directed to a new page.Click Edit under the phrase you wish to edit.Edit the value in the text box.Click Save Changes to confirm changes, or click cancel to cancel changes.
This tool allows you to configure data for a nonstandard area.
A non-standard locale is a word with no data in the These locales are defined using I_ tags. These tickets are official ways to generate, classify, and work with non-standard regions by prefixing the language name with the word ‘i’ happened by an underscore.
To configure a non standard locale:
Select a locale from the Locale pull-down menu.Click Go.Enter a display name in the Display Name box.Select the fallback locale, number formatting, and character orientation from the appropriate pull-down menus.Click Save.
Note: When a non-standard locale’s lexicon does not have a slogan, the method looks it up in the “fallback” locale.
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