Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
This device was developed for web hosting organizations, webmasters, and website developers that have to set up domains with Google Apps in everyday work. The mission of the Google Apps Wizard cPanel plugin is to facilitate the steps wanted to work with Google Apps services. the cPanel end user doesn’t require to have any prior experience of DNS records administration while working with this tool.
Before proceed please make sure Turn On security token
Security Tokens = on
“WHM >> Main >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings >> Security”
Run the following shell commands as root via SSH:
# wget tar -zxvf gaw-3.0.tar.gz# cd gaw-3.0# sh -install# cd ..# rm -Rfv gaw-3.0/ gaw-3.0.tar.gz
Go to WHM >> Main >> Plugins >> Google Apps Wizard and click UpdateNow.
If you are running version 3+ please skip this part.
# wget tar -zxvf gaw-3.0.tar.gz# cd gaw-3.0# sh -update# rm -Rfv gaw-3.0/ gaw-3.0.tar/pre>
# wget tar -zxvf gaw-3.0.tar.gz# cd gaw-3.0# sh -uninstall# cd ..# rm -Rfv gaw-3.0/ gaw-3.0.tar
The language files folder is located at: /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/GoogleAppsWizard/lang/
The en.php is the default fallback language list so do not delete it!
To generate new language files you must use an existing cPanel prefix.
You can see your available languages by navigating to: Main >> Locales >> View Available Locales.
The Google Apps Wizard plugin maintains third-party cPanel templates.
All you require to do is to copy the default template to your third-party template folder.
Template path: /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/gaw
Example command: # cp /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/gaw /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/{Your custom template folder name}/
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