Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
You can apply the FREE cpXstack plugin for charge balance among webservers and PHP. it gives an alternative web server and PHP stack with an option to change the webserver to nginX which prepares PHP texts via FastCGI protocol applying PHP-FPM and Apache.
PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some extra features helpful for places of any size, especially more energetic sections. Both Nginx and PHP-fpm will give a more reliable administration for your websites.
FREE Cpanel cpXstack plugin Nginx and PHP-FPM to reduce server charges.
Before proceed, please make sure the following requirements.
Cpanel version 11.31 or greater
Devel packages to compile PHP from source
CPXstack instructions install Nginx from yum repo and incron from the EPEL repo. PHP and cpXstack files will be installed to /opt/pifpm directory. Normally cpxstack installation will take some time depending on your past accounts and administration.
It is strongly advised that you perform the install in a screen
wget a+x install
Once installation completed, check your WHM -> Plugins.
For cpanel users cPanel -> Softwares/ Services
You can regenerate a users config files by running the following command from the command line
cd /opt/pifpm/scripts./ USERNAME
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