Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
Restore cpanel server from the fixed drive. If your server drive got fixed and need to restore data from it then you can use the following actions to restore data from a problematic drive.
Rsync stands for remote sync. rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux. rsync utility is applied to synchronize the folders and directories. We can use this to restore the database from a corrupt drive.
Ask your DC to attach the corrupted drive as a secondary drive and mount the drive as an old drive folder
mount /dev/sdc /olddrive
We can start copying backup data from the old drive
If possible, do this process through SCREEN.
rsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/usr/local/apache/conf /usr/local/apachersync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/named /varrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/home/* /homersync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/usr/local/cpanel /usr/localrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/lib/mysql /var/librsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/cpanel /varrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/usr/share/ssl /usr/sharersync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/ssl /varrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman /usr/local/cpanel/3rdpartyrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/log/bandwidth /var/logrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/usr/local/frontpage /usr/localrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/var/spool/cron /var/spoolrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/root/.my.cnf /rootrsync -vrplogDtH /olddrive/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf
Copy all old drive /etc folder configuration files.
cd /olddrive/etcrsync -vrplogDtH secondarymx domainalias valiases vfilters exim* proftpd* pure-ftpd* passwd* group* *domain* *named* wwwacct.conf cpupdate.conf quota.conf shadow* *rndc* ips* ipaddrpool* ssl hosts /etc
Updating scripts and restarting services:
Restarting services as:
/scripts/restartsrv httpd/scripts/restartsrv cpanel/scripts/restartsrv mysql/scripts/restartsrv named/scripts/restartsrv exim
Done… Thats all!!!
If you want to restore data to a remote server then copy files to the remote server. Enable SSH key authorized login without root password between both servers.
Go to old serve which is damaged drive.
cd /etcrsync -vrplogDtH secondarymx domainalias valiases vfilters exim* proftpd* pure-ftpd* passwd* group* *domain* *named* wwwacct.conf cpupdate.conf quota.conf shadow* *rndc* ips* ipaddrpool* ssl hosts root@
( is assumed as the IP of the new server to which we are moving the data.)
Now we need to transfer everything else.
rsync -vrplogDtH /usr/local/apache/conf root@ -vrplogDtH /var/named root@ -vrplogDtH /home/* root@ -vrplogDtH /usr/local/cpanel root@ -vrplogDtH /var/lib/mysql root@ -vrplogDtH /var/cpanel root@ -vrplogDtH /usr/share/ssl root@ -vrplogDtH /var/ssl root@ -vrplogDtH /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman root@ -vrplogDtH /var/log/bandwidth root@ -vrplogDtH /usr/local/frontpage root@ -vrplogDtH /var/spool/cron root@ -vrplogDtH /root/.my.cnf root@ -vrplogDtH /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf root@
Dont forget to change remote server ip address in configuration.
replace to — /var/named/*.dbreplace to — /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Then updating scripts and restarting services…
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