Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
AccountLab Plus is the affordable billing solution for webhosters. Easy, flexible, powerful, integrates exclusive features and techniques. Due to the innovative coding design, you will not lose your modifications when you upgrade.AccountLab Plus supports over 180 TLDs, unlimited hosting plans, customers and servers. It handles tax, FAQ and support tickets. Currently 21 different payment methods are supported.
AccountLab needs a *nix or Panes server with PHP and MySQL previously installed. As a point, use a modern browser, have PHP 4.2 or higher installed, and MySQL 3, 4, or 5.
– allow_url_fopen must be set to On in your php.ini
– cURL is wanted for Whois, Account Creation, Domain Certification, and some Payment Systems
– mhash is needed for
– iconv and mbstring is needed for non-utf-8 characters, especially if you use non-English languages
– OpenSSL is needed for OpenSRS
– GD2 and FreeType is needed for Reports
Auto-create statements on cPanel servers
Advanced Tax System (multiple charges, use to any organization of countries/nations/regions)
Subdomains Hosting
Customers’ Discount
Rich type of graphical summaries
Multiple Admins (with support setup)
Multiple Coins (updated in real-time) for offline payments like Cheque and Wire Orders
Support Tickets
Monitor your servers
“Who is online” function
Auto-updateable (through cron-job)
Protects your modifications when updating
Begins with 4 ready to go templates
Add your templates
Add your payment plug-ins
RTL (right to left) set
Currently recommended domain registers: Directi, Enom, OpenSRS, Planetdomain, and ResellerOne.
Currently supported payment systems: 2Checkout, Asian pay,, Bank Transfer, Cashu, Chronopay, Clickbank, Credit Card, e-Gold, LinkPoint, Moneybookers, NOCHEX, Offline, Paymate, PayPal, Paypal Subscriptions, ProxyPay, Stormpay, WebMoney Transfer, Worldpay.
Language confident, very simple to translate (one file). Currently available language files: Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish.
Goto your domain public_html folder and download it.
#gunzip accountlab_plus.tgz
#tar -xvf accountlab_plus.tar
Once uploaded ensure you change the file permissions on ./elements/default/sysvar/db.php to 666. This allows the installer to write information to these files.
You now need to create a MySQL database and a MySQL database user with a valid password. Grant all permissions on the database to the database user. Make a note of each for use during install.
Goto browse your installation file
You will be prompted to enter:
hostname (probably localhost)
database name
database username and password
Fill out and click build, this will populate ./elements/default/sysvar/db.php with your details and the suitable boards into your database, if strong you will be transmitted to the next page.
Complete all the admin details.
Once the installation is completed, To secure your installation you must delete the install.php script and chmod
./elements/default/sysvar/db.php back to 644 — if you don’t, you will allow any web surfer to access your system.
Thats all!!
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