Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
Httping monitoring tool is like ‘ping’ but for http-requests. Give it an URL, and it’ll show you how long it needs to connect, send a question and recover the answer (only the headers). Be informed that the transmission beyond the system also takes time! So it includes the latency of the Webserver + network. It holds, of course, IPv6.
HTTPing is good for when you make adjustments to your server and want to see what impact those differences had on network administration and latency.
You can install it through yum
yum install httping
or try with rpm repository.
install via source.
cd /usr/local/src -zxvf httping-2.5.tgzccd httping-2.5make installThis will first invoke the 'configure'-script and then build the sources.You can also run 'configure' manually. Then the following switches apply:--with-tfo force enable tcp fast open--with-ncurses force enable ncurses--with-openssl force enable openssl--with-fftw3 force enable fftw3Please note that TCP fast open requires a Linux kernel of version 3.7 or more recent.'fftw3' support is only usefull if you include the ncurses interface.
Once installation completed, check with help options
root@server1 [~]# httping –help
-g url url (e.g. -g http://localhost/)-h hostname hostname (e.g. localhost)-p portnr portnumber (e.g. 80)-x host:port hostname+portnumber of proxyserver-i interval delay between each connect-G do a GET request instead of a HEAD request. The complete page/file must be transferred.-b show transfer speed in KB/s (use with -G)- X show the amount of data transferred (excluding the headers)- c How many probes to send before exiting
ping your website.
root@server1 [~]# httping -g www.cpanelkb.netPING (/):connected to (228 bytes), seq=0 time=17.44 msconnected to (228 bytes), seq=1 time=2.24 msconnected to (228 bytes), seq=2 time=1.55 msconnected to (228 bytes), seq=3 time=1.92 msconnected to (228 bytes), seq=4 time=4.50 ms
Ping a Webserver and Specify a port: ( specify port 80 )
root@server1 [~]#$ httping -c 4 -p 80 -g http://www.cpanelkb.netPING (/):connected to (486 bytes), seq=0 time=2.65 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=1 time=2.54 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=2 time=1.65 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=3 time=1.59 ms 0KB/s
Ping a Webserver and request complete page/file:
The capital “G” sends a GET request rather then a HEAD request. By receiving the entire page/file you can measure the throughput of the webserver.
root@server1 [~]# httping -c 4 -p 80 -G -b -g www.cpanelkb.netPING (/):connected to (486 bytes), seq=0 time=2.65 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=1 time=2.54 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=2 time=1.65 ms 0KB/sconnected to (486 bytes), seq=3 time=1.59 ms 0KB/s--- ping statistics ---4 connects, 4 ok, 0.00% failed, time 3009msround-trip min/avg/max = 1.6/2.1/2.6 msTransfer speed: min/avg/max = 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000 KB
Using httping from Nagios
Nagios is a versatile monitoring package. Very much flexible.
define command{
command_name check_httping
command_line /usr/bin/httping -N 2 -c 1 -h $HOSTADDRESS$
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