Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
apache2-mpm-itk (just mpm-itk for short) is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache webserver. mod_mpm_itk which will enable you to run each of your vhost under a separate user identifier (UID) and organization identifier (GID). Use these easy actions to Install and uninstall mod_mpm_itk in apache2.
The books and configuration files for one vhost no longer should to be enjoyable for all the other vhosts.
mpm-itk is based on the popular prefork MPM, which suggests it’s non-threaded; in short, this proposes you can run non-thread-aware code (like many PHP extensions) without difficulties. On the other hand, you spend out on any administration bonus you’d get with threads, of course; you’d have to choose for yourself if that’s worth it or not. You will also take an extra performance hit over prefork since there’s an extra fork per application.
MPM ITK installation option is available in the following cpanel vesrion “All builds of cPanel & WHM version 11.52 or later”
Install only if you know the MPM (Multi-Processing Module) and MPM ITK module is compatible packages.
EasyApache 4, Apache 2.4, the MPM Prefork, and mod_cgi.
The MPM ITK module is not compatible with the following modules:
Mod Ruid2mod_userdirEAcceleratorMod suPHPCloudLinux's™ PHP Selector featurecPanel's Leech Protection feature (Home >> Security >> Leech Protection)
Install the MPM ITK Apache module with the EasyApache 4 interface, or use yum.
You must manually uninstall MPM Worker and install MPM Prefork in order for the MPM ITK module work correctly.
yum shellremove ea-apache24-mod_mpm_workerremove ea-apache24-mod_cgidinstall ea-apache24-mod_mpm_preforkinstall ea-apache24-mod_cgirunquit
uninstall the MPM ITK module
yum shellremove ea-apache24-mod_mpm_preforkremove ea-apache24-mod_cgiinstall ea-apache24-mod_mpm_workerinstall ea-apache24-mod_cgidrunquit
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