Troubleshoot - by Hostrare
CloudFlare is a performance and security service. With 14 points of presence around the world, a website on CloudFlare typically loads twice as fast, uses 65% less server resources, saves 60% of bandwidth and has an additional layer of security. Hosting Providers get reduced server load, bandwidth savings, mitigation of DDoS attacks and and IPv4/v6 gateway.
The CloudFlare cPanel plugin makes it easy to integrate into your hosting control panel. It takes less than 5 minutes to install on a test server and then the service is available to your end customers with two clicks.
Before proceed to install cloudflare plugin, you should get HOST KEY from cloudflare partners
Install cloudflare cpanel plugin Using an SSH client such as Terminal or Putty:
Step 1. Access cPanel for the server using root user by:
Step 2.
cd /usr/local/cpanel
Step 3.
curl -k -L > cloudflare.tar.gz
Step 4.
tar -zxvf cloudflare.tar.gz
This extracts a directory that includes a UNIQUE ID. For example, the directory will be in this format:
The UNIQUE ID is only: d03f3b8
The UNIQUE ID is not cloudflare-CloudFlare-CPanel-d03f3b8
Step 5.
cd cloudflare-CloudFlare-CPanel-UNIQUE ID/cloudflare/
Step 6.
./install_cf API HOST KEY mod_cf “YOUR COMPANY NAME”
example for Awesome Hosting Company: ./install_cf 56yt8x9s987dfy4324bnv mod_cf “Awesome Hosting”
Now that CloudFlare is installed, you can remove some of the unnecessary remnant files:
Step 9.
cd ../ ../
This takes you back two levels.
Step 10.
rm -rf cloudflare-CloudFlare-CPanel-UNIQUE ID*
cat /etc/cloudflare.jsonor
You should see an output with the following:
root@server1 [/usr/local/cpanel]# cat etc/cloudflare.json{ “host_key”:”32yt5a7b436tuy8974tre -”, (For security purposes, this will not be your host key.) “host_formal_name”:”Awesome Hosting”, “host_name”:””, “host_uri”:”/host-gw.html”, “user_name”:””, “user_uri”:”/api_json.html”, “host_port”:”443”, “host_prefix”:”cloudflare-resolve-to”, “cp_version”:”1.3.0”}
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/unregister_cpanelplugin /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/cloudflare.cpanelplugin
To ensure that CloudFlare was properly installed, enable CloudFlare for three test websites from your control panel.
To check if a website is on CloudFlare, use Terminal. Open Terminal, and enter the following dig command.
Output without CloudFlare-enabled: 10782 IN CNAME
Output with CloudFlare-enabled: 10782 IN CNAME
If you see ‘’ at the end, then CloudFlare is enabled.
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